Easy 4 Ingredient Naan Pizza

Easy 4 Ingredient Naan Pizza

This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a small commission. Thank you! Okay, to keep with my one pan obsession, here’s another one of my favorites. An EASY naan pizza recipe that my kids love. I keep a stash of naan in...
10 Reasons You Need a Backstage Account

10 Reasons You Need a Backstage Account

When I first started acting, I used to get Backstage from the newsstand at my local mall. Thank God it’s online now, because it’s SO easy to browse through auditions and job listings. But I absolutely loved flipping through the pages and circling auditions...
5 Reasons Why I’m Scared of Getting Pregnant

5 Reasons Why I’m Scared of Getting Pregnant

Okay, I’ll say it. I am scared of getting pregnant again. And I know that is a shitty thing to say, especially when I know several people close to me struggling so hard with infertility.  But it’s not without a lot of swirling confusion. My husband and I are very much...
5 Reasons To Take A Break From Acting

5 Reasons To Take A Break From Acting

Do you find yourself wondering if it’s the right time to take a break from your acting career? It could be that you are tired, burnt out, and feeling generally unfulfilled. Your survival job is starting to feel like a relief compared to your passion. You start to...