This Kid Friendly Recipe for 3 Ingredient Chicken Parmesan is TOO easy. It’s just 3 ingredients and perfect for kids who want to eat fancy but you know they’re lying. All they want is chicken nuggets, so that’s what we’re gonna give them.

I am not gonna waste your time with some long winded tale about how this kid friendly recipe was inspired by my best friend’s Italian mom who my kids now call their Nonna (Hi Nonna Theresa!) because we don’t have time for that. WE HAVE KIDS TO FEED. And this isn’t a food blog, either, so I don’t really use measurements. Rely on your mom instinct!

Here we go!


1. Your children’s favorite frozen chicken nuggets. If you want, you could even use leftover McDonald’s chicken nuggets (is there such a thing?)

2. Your favorite jarred marinara sauce. (We used Ragu because that’s all we had but I’m not complaining)

3. Sliced mozzarella (or shredded, doesn’t matter).


1. Cast Iron Pan*

2. Tongs

3. Oven mitts (because this cast iron pan is going in the oven!)

4. Plate

*If you don’t have a cast iron pan, a regular baking dish will do.


1. Cook the chicken nuggets in the cast iron pan according to the package directions. Cook as many that will fit in the pan of your choice. After the nuggets are finished cooking, remove the pan from the oven and turn the oven temperature to 375.

2. Remove the chicken nuggets and put them on a plate. (we are going to put them back later)

3. Pour the marinara sauce into the pan, just enough to fill the bottom but not overtake the chicken nuggets.

chicken nugget parmesan

4. Put the chicken nuggets back in the pan.

chicken nugget parmesan

5. Put the sliced or shredded mozzarella on top of each chicken nugget.

kid friendly 3 ingredient chicken parmesan recipe

6. Place the pan back in the preheated oven and bake until the cheese has melted.

chicken nugget parmesan

7. Sprinkle with dried parsley, or not. It’s up to you. It doesn’t really add much, it just looks fancy.

For an adult version, get get yourself some pre-breaded chicken cutlets.

kid friendly 3 ingredient chicken parmesan recipe

We served ours with some Fettuccini Alfredo! The kids gobbled it up!

Now, this kid friendly recipe is in no way authentic Italian Chicken Parmesan. It’s not meant to be. It’s a quick and tasty dinner that takes 30 minutes and very few dishes to wash. And isn’t that all we need, sometimes? And this recipe is easy enough for the kids to help with. My 4 year old put the cheese on top and was so proud. Cook with your kids! They’ll eat what they make!

Pin this recipe for later! The kids will love it!

This Kid Friendly Chicken Parmesan Recipe Using Chicken Nuggets is absolutely delicious! Cooked using just ONE pan!
Kid Friendly Chicken Parmesan Recipe Using Chicken Nuggets


  1. Cook the chicken nuggets in the cast iron pan according to the package directions. Cook as many that will fit in the pan of your choice. After the nuggets are finished cooking, remove the pan from the oven and turn the oven temperature to 375.
  2. Remove the chicken nuggets and put them on a plate. (we are going to put them back later)
  3. Pour the marinara sauce into the pan, just enough to fill the bottom but not overtake the chicken nuggets.
  4. Put the chicken nuggets back in the pan.
  5. Put the sliced or shredded mozzarella on top of each chicken nugget.
  6. Place the pan back in the preheated oven and bake until the cheese has melted.
  7. Sprinkle with dried parsley, or not. It’s up to you. It doesn’t really add much, it just looks fancy.