5 Reasons Why I’m Scared of Getting Pregnant

5 Reasons Why I’m Scared of Getting Pregnant

Okay, I’ll say it. I am scared of getting pregnant again. And I know that is a shitty thing to say, especially when I know several people close to me struggling so hard with infertility.  But it’s not without a lot of swirling confusion. My husband and I are very much...
5 Reasons To Take A Break From Acting

5 Reasons To Take A Break From Acting

Do you find yourself wondering if it’s the right time to take a break from your acting career? It could be that you are tired, burnt out, and feeling generally unfulfilled. Your survival job is starting to feel like a relief compared to your passion. You start to...
Easy and Cheap DIY Birthday Party Favors!

Easy and Cheap DIY Birthday Party Favors!

  This is a LATE post, but it’s still relevant, especially if you are planning to throw a birthday party for your kids and need an idea for DIY birthday party favors. When planning my daughter’s 4th birthday party last year, I was thinking of what kinds of...
How Motherhood Changes You As An Actor

How Motherhood Changes You As An Actor

SPOILER ALERT If you have not seen Miss Saigon, Medea, An Infinite Ache or Next to Normal (and possibly care to in the future), perhaps skip this post. Back when I used to teach acting, I used to tell my students “All the really good actors are either really old or...